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For Foreigners


At Shimogamo Nishio Clinic, located in Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku in Kyoto city, medical treatment is available in English.  The clinic director, Dr. Keiko Nishio, provides medical services for patients who find it difficult to communicate in Japanese, such as foreign residents of Kyoto and international tourists, hoping to reduce the patients’ anxiety about being treated without sufficient communication.

Shimogamo Nishio Clinic covers a wide range of illnesses, from various symptoms of colds, vomiting, fever, diarrhea to neurological conditions including headache, dizziness, chronic neuralgia, dysesthesia and memory disturbance. Dr. Nishio can provide treatments with Western medicine combined, upon request, with traditional Oriental medicine (Kampo), of which she is also a specialist. The clinic also provides rehabilitation therapy.

First Visit

You need to make an appointment before visiting our clinic for the first time. You will be asked your name, sex, date of birth, address and phone number, and your chief complaint over the phone.

Please tell the clinic receptionist whether you are a resident or a temporary visitor, and whether you are covered by Japanese health insurance.

Please be sure to bring a valid health insurance card, as well as a list of medications you are currently taking, or your medication booklet if you have one.

Upon arrival you will be asked to take your blood pressure and temperature and to fill out the registration form. You may find it useful to download the form in advance (URL: http://nishio-clinic.net [Japanese site]) to be aware of the information required. You can fill it out and bring it to the clinic or fax it to 075-703-1124 just before making an appointment via phone, which would make the registration process easier and faster.

When filling out the form, much care should be given to information on allergy. Please note that it is essential for us to know when prescribing medicine whether you have experienced any allergic reaction when taking medicine in the past. Without the full list of your allergy history, medicine that we prescribe might cause allergic reaction again, which might lead to a life threatening anaphylactic shock. 

Medical form (PDF download)

Return Visit

Have you made an appointment at the end of the last consultation?  If not, please contact the clinic to arrange an appointment.

If you think your condition is getting worse and you need to be treated urgently, do not hesitate to come without an appointment. In that case, appointments are prioritized on the basis of medical need, and if your condition is less severe, you will be kindly asked to wait the time needed at the clinic.

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible for us to reallocate the timeslot to another patient.

Frequently Asked Questions

  Can my travel insurance cover the fees?
  No, we do not accept any travel insurance. If you are covered by such insurance, you would then be asked to pay the full fee in cash and contact your travel insurance later on for reimbursement.
We can issue invoices in English to be used for reimbursement using your travel insurance.
We accept only the Japanese National Health Insurance or Social Insurance. Your health insurance card presented at the reception must be the original, not a copy. If you forget to bring it, you have to pay the full fee in cash.
  Can I pay by credit card?
  No, we accept only cash payment in Japanese Yen. We are sorry but we cannot accept foreign currencies.
  Is it possible to communicate in languages other than English?
  Communication is possible only in Japanese or English.
  Where can I get the prescribed medicines?
  Normally you will get them at the clinic. You will be charged for prescriptions and medicines in addition to the consultation and test fees, if any.

Keiko Nishio, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinic Director

Shimogamo Nishio Clinic
Specialties: General Internal Medicine, Neurology, Traditional Oriental Medicine (Kampo), and Rehabilitational Medicine

Address: 19-4 Shimogamoyanada-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0836, Japan
Tel: 075-703-1114
Fax: 075-703-1124

Consultation time
From 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, and Sat
From 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Tue, Wed, and Fri
From 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Mon and Thu







京都市営地下鉄烏丸線「北山」駅、「松ヶ崎」駅より徒歩7分 京都市営バス「神殿町」より徒歩1分


TEL:075-703-1114 FAX:075-703-1124






京都市営地下鉄烏丸線 「北山」駅・「松ヶ崎」駅より 徒歩7分 京都市営バス 「神殿町」より徒歩1分



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